SMS API: Three Use Cases
Three ways to communicate using an SMS API.
What is an SMS API?
An SMS API is a type of application protocol interface (API) that utilizes text messaging to deliver custom communications. End users interact with SMS API based communications on a daily basis for a multitude of reasons that may include marketing and informational style messages.
So, what makes an SMS API great for business?
An SMS API allows you to incorporate SMS communication into a variety of existing programs. While it may sound complex, it’s an incredibly useful business tool that can work to streamline your communications. In addition, mobile marketers are using SMS APIs to do even more with text message marketing communications. We’ve listed three ways your business can use an SMS API to communicate with your target audience.
Two-Factor Authentication
Online security is important. While two-factor authentication is not a new concept, the rise of the digital age has led to a resurgence. You can easily add two-factor authentication by having your website or application send a text message with our SMS API. Use that to add a level of security when creating an account, accessing an existing account, or requesting changes to account credentials. Businesses are programming their APIs to deliver specific responses based on various types of input. By requiring a unique piece of data to confirm identity, businesses are adding additional protection for themselves and their users. It is this type of versatility that makes an SMS API so attractive for delivering two-factor authentication messages.
2-Way SMS
In addition to verification style messages, business are using SMS APIs is to deliver 2-way SMS messages. Mobile marketing professionals understand the importance of 2 way SMS, as many of them use this type of text messaging to communicate with their audience. Just like with two-factor authentication, a brand can the API to deliver custom responses based on end-user input. Furthermore, this allows brands to capture a wide variety of information from their followers who interact with their text messages. In fact, anyone with a basic understanding of marketing knows the more information you have on your target audience the better you can communicate with them. A business using an SMS API to program custom 2-way SMS have a better understanding of their audience. By analyzing customer data brands create focused quality marketing messages that actually engage the final recipient.
Alerts and Confirmations
On a daily basis, we use text messaging to send alerts and confirmations to our friends and families. In a similar way business are using text messages to send out message alerts and confirmations to their customers. Alert style messages normally consist of account related information such as low balances, suspicious activity, or adjustments to pricing plans. On the other hand, confirmation type message are used for online ordering, appointment reminders, and arrival times. Most alerts and confirmations are sent on an individual basis, as they contain specific information based on the recipient. By using an SMS API to deliver alert and confirmation messages is a great way to connect with your customers.
By using an SMS API you can program custom replies based on the way your customers interact with your business. It doesn’t matter if you using 2-factor authentication, 2 way SMS, or sending out alerts and confirmations incorporating an SMS API will allow you to send quality communications. Visit our website to learn more about AvidMobile’s SMS API. There you can find out how to can use text messaging to communicate with your audience on a daily basis.