How can a SMS Reseller Business grow your brand?

Build your brand with an SMS Reseller Business.

It’s no secret brands partner with an SMS reseller business to use text messaging for marketing purposes. Business professionals know it’s more important now than ever to find new ways to connect with their customer bases in ways that are convenient for prospects and inexpensive for their companies. AvidMobile knows that partnering with an SMS Reseller Business is the most effective way to advertise your business to mobile customers. Today people are using their smartphones to browse the web, check social media and hunt for bargains. For this reason, you need to deliver your marketing messages in a way that makes sense to your prospective client base. To explain in detail keep reading this blog to learn about the benefits of SMS reseller services.

An SMS Reseller Business Benefits:

  • Your contact details appear right on the mobile phone screen for the easier contact. There is no need for prospects to “look up” your number online or write down the number. They simply click and contact.
  • SMS reseller messages have an amazing 95 percent read-rate!
  • Send immediate messages to catch prospects while they’re already out running errands.
  • Special promotions can be customized around down times. Your message can go out when you need a quick bump in traffic for the day. This has proven to be very profitable for retailers!
  • SMS lets you launch and test unlimited ad campaigns
  • Broadcast your message to hundreds or thousands of mobile subscribers for affordable flat rates.

How Do I Start An SMS Reseller Business?

Once you find an experienced SMS reseller, you can sit down with an expert and develop the following:

  • Beautiful mobile websites
  • Useful text messages
  • Complex SMS marketing campaigns and strategies

The assistance you receive from an SMS reseller doesn’t stop after you launch. These mobile technology experts will also help you track and measure your campaigns’ success. It is easy to customize, tweak and modify a campaign to better meet your objectives. The end goal is to drive revenue in measurable and meaningful ways, using mobile technology as the catalyst.

Contact us and launch your own SMS Reseller business!

AvidMobile is an experienced SMS reseller with over 16 years in the business. They work with clients ranging from sports teams and nightclubs to doctors’ offices and tanning salons. Based out of Kansas City, Missouri AvidMobile works with clients across the country.

Sign up for your SMS reseller business trial account here.
