White Label SMS: What You Need To Know!

SMS White Label

AvidMobile is a provider of white label text marketing technology and support to help marketers add this valuable service to their existing offerings. Call 877-511-MOBI to learn more.

What Does “White Label” Mean?

White label SMS is a form of advertising that lets individuals mass-produce services for other companies, rather than large hosting companies. Anyone with the drive can set up their own independent website, gain access to SMS white label software and stick a custom logo on the services to make them their own.

What Are The Benefits?

  • It’s Cheap! For the entrepreneur, white label SMS is a blessing because it’s a quick, easy start-up that requires no overhead inventory whatsoever.
  • It’s Easy! Like a franchise, the business owner gets all the tools of the trade, technical support services and marketing materials.
  • It’s Customized! However, unlike a franchise, the business owner can create a custom logo, brand name and pricing scheme.
  • It’s Lucrative! Many of the people who choose to operate a white label platform are already marketing companies who want to add on this additional service for their client base.

For small businesses, finding a white label program offers an affordable way to roll out a text message marketing campaign. These customers are looking to outsource to someone who is trustworthy and invested in their business. They like the personalized service they get from “the little guy” SMS reseller versus some huge corporation.

Marketers Save Money With White Label Text Services

Some firms invest thousands of dollars to develop their own software and text marketing platforms. Why bother when the technology is readily available? White label marketing platforms cost a fraction of what it would be to start from scratch. This form of marketing is a great way for marketers to extend their services and offer something that is cutting-edge and effective.

AvidMobile can help marketers and entrepreneurs begin offering their own white label SMS programs to clients. With over 16 years of experience, you’ll ally with the industry’s best provider! Call 1-877-511-MOBI for more information.
