10 Mobile Website Must Haves


A mobile website is an important part of a business’ mobile marketing strategy. With Google’s recent updates brands that do not have mobile friendly websites are ranking lower on mobile searches. In other words, businesses without mobile websites are missing out on potential customers.

Time and time again we see businesses try to create a duplicate of their desktop site. This is not ideal as a desktop site contains information that may not be relevant to mobile consumers. When creating a mobile website keep in mind that visitors will be viewing from a mobile device. A mobile website that is overloaded with information will overwhelm the consumer and lead to website abandonment.

Consumers that visit mobile websites are in the middle of the purchase process and are looking for information to help them make a final decision. Make sure your mobile website is ready!


AvidMobile has compiled a list of ten items that every mobile website should contain.


 Logo – A well designed logo will make the website look professional while helping visitors become familiar with the brand.

Easy to read font – Since visitors will be viewing mobile sites from mobile devices, larger easy to read fonts are better. Arial, Verdana, and Trebuchet MS are great fonts that look great on a variety of screen sizes.

“About Us” – Provide visitors with an overview of the brand. Get them excited and help them gain an understanding of what the business does.

Short video – Highlight products and services with a short video. Consumers must see a benefit before they will purchase.

Contact Us page – Customers should be able to locate and contact a business very easily. A well designed contact page will include a click to call and map that shows them exactly where the business is located.

Social media links – A good mobile marketing strategy will integrate social media. It’s important to include links to Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites from a mobile website.

An overview of products and services – This is the most important part of your website. Visitors should be able to easily locate your products, services, and prices. Remember many customers are looking to purchase when the view a mobile website, help facilitate that process.

Quality images – With quality photos mobile websites can showcase products, services, or facilities. We all know photos are worth a thousand words and are a great way to highlight and display products.

Click to call/purchase – A business should make it easy to purchase their product or services, book a reservation, or place a phone order. With a clear click to call or purchase button consumers can easily make purchases directly from their mobile device.

A link to the desktop site  – While the purpose of the mobile site is for mobile users some people may want to visit a desktop site too. Business have added links or the option to view the desktop site. This way the visitor can get the best experience from the brand.

Mobile websites are a powerful mobile marketing tool. When combined with SMS marketing businesses can send links directly to their customers’ smart phone. With the ability to upload a custom app icon a user can save the mobile website directly to their home screen and access it at a later date. Get familiar with mobile websites.

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