Sophisticated and Timely Marketing

Sophisticated and Timely Marketing

            Comparing several providers? Getting bombarded with a variety of strategies and methodologies about how to run your business? While going through and doing your comparisons, one thing you should place in the category of being “necessary” is a short code. They are the easiest to market, most effective method of delivery and most timely.

First, when you are out reselling short codes to a business, it is significant for them to understand the importance of building databases and the marketability a short code possesses. Think about it, how easy is it to remember to text “Hutson” to “72727” when you see it on print pieces, or even hear it being broadcasted over the radio. Several other forms of text marketing are far more complicated and harder for a client to retain, thus effecting the growth of your database.

Second, short codes are hands town the most effective and timely method of sending SMS promotions. Several other gateways have limitations as to how many messages can be send hour by hour (Long-Codes) or have deliverability rates ranging from 30-50% (SMTP) and even those messages that deliver may not get there in a timely fashion. While reselling short codes, you are capable of driving a customer’s behavior by sending them timely messages. With an open read rate of 95% within the first 5 minutes of sending an SMS promotion, you can send out promotions 30 minutes before the lunch rush, or the day of a big event and feel secure knowing all your subscribers got the promotion you wanted them to receive.

So as one can see, short code messaging is the only route to go if you want to succeed in this industry and make the most amount of money possible.

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