Private Label SMS Marketing by AvidMobile

We are a national provider of mobile marketing services but we do more than just your typical mobile marketing. It’s mobile integration, it’s strategic marketing, it’s creating sophisticated and engaging messaging that your audience wants to hear. We are real people, real marketers, we have been in online generation for years now. We work with national brands and we have a lot of experience over the years now and all of that is very important to somebody who is coming to us and looking to us as a partner. The main thing is whether your a reseller, a media company, a digital company, advertising company, whatever it is looking to add our product line on or whether your a retailer or a restaurant looking to produce the greatest amount of return on investment. You are looking for a fast and economical solution because marketing is done in the streets. We have a deadline on Friday and we have to be able to get the right mobile message into that, in real time, to be able to make that marketing effective. That kind of entire philosophy behind our company is the reason we don’t charge for keywords. We don’t want our brands that we work with to not be able to track those advertising mediums. We want our brands to be able to put any keyword they want on all of their promotions to actually track the effectiveness of those marketing mediums. That way they use the technology, that way they can actually build a database and use it to lead generate. Our company looks across the board to integrated mobile strategically across everything that they are doing to drive the behaviors that they want. We work point of sale strategies, we integrate into the broadcast media or the event marketing with a sexy engaging message to pick up leads. We do that as a way to grow the customer base and ultimately retain those clients.

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