The Appeal of SMS White-Label Marketing

SMS white-label service is one of the hottest trends in mobile marketing today. Essentially, a company (like AvidMobile) creates a software system that businesses and marketers can use to create and deliver text message marketing campaigns to consumers. Since the software is offered as “white-label,” these re-sellers may offer text marketing services to their clients under their own brand name. They need only pay a small licensing and maintenance fee, which saves them the cost and hassle of creating the delivery system themselves or hiring their own staff to troubleshoot or work on security. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Appeal of SMS White-Label For Consumers

sms white-labelConsumers want a text message promotion that actually works. They don’t want QR codes that don’t scan or a text that wastes their time by making them jump through hoops to take action. AvidMobile offers a user-friendly design that is intuitive not only for campaign managers, but for consumers too. SMS white-label provides familiar, standardized designs that consumers appreciate.

Appeal of SMS White-Label For Businesses

As previously mentioned, businesses do not need to spend the resources to design, create and maintain an entire message delivery system themselves. Also, they do not need to wait to join the SMS marketing game. With AvidMobile’s SMS white-label services, a text message marketing campaign can be up and ready to run the same day. Should a business require any assistance creating campaigns or navigating the software, someone at the help desk will be available to assist at any time. With SMS white-label, small marketing companies do not need to sacrifice any autonomy by partnering with a text marketing company; they simply re-brand the service as their own to add more value to their services.

Appeal of SMS White-Label For Clients

Clients love text message marketing because it reaches consumers when they are on-the-go and most willing to buy. If someone is driving within a certain mile radius of the store, a text offer can be quickly sent out that might make the person stop in the store. Stores often use “one day sale” text blasts to drive traffic during slow periods. These texts can be created quickly and sent out at a moment’s notice. Nearly everyone with a cell phone reads and sends texts, so this marketing method is very valuable. Clients appreciate marketers who offer all the latest tools of the trade, such as mobile campaigns.

Looking for a potential White Label Partner?

Learn more about our SMS white label services.
