Avidmobile has levels of interface according to needs.

The Devil is in the details so don’t you forget it! User interface is hardly the exception. When a mere web presence used to be enough to distinguish your business, today’s standards have evolved. The web’s audience is far more sophisticated than era’s past and simply establishing an online presence is by no means enough to garner the transactions you seek, whether brand clout or for your company’s store.

There are several things that need to be addressed to ensure a great user experience for your brands site. First you need to ensure that you’ve done the homework on your users and developed profiles. This will ensure that you’re able to think through each user’s needs and questions and design an interface accounting for a large enterprise that spans continents and languages or a small business that needs to stand out in locally.

Once you have your user profiles generated it’s important to think through the strategy of your site and assemble the conceptual structure of your site, acquire a content inventory of the scope of content you plan to cover and study your competition. Remember they do some things very well and some things poorly. Try to incorporate well done strategies into your own plans.

Finally, once you’ve assembled a solid profile and inventory of information, you’re ready to head to your designers office and generate wireframes and mockups. Remember we live in a multi device age. So standard large screen mockup isn’t enough anymore, designers really need to be accounting for varying screen sizes and user experiences ranging from the screen of a typical Android device to the high resolution displays of the iPhone and iPad and other tablet experience and upwards into the desktop/television environment.

User experience is an enormous task. Remember, you shouldn’t just be going straight to your local developer without first working through user experience. Your brand’s online presence needs to shine and the only way to ensure that is to deliver a user experience that is tailored to your users needs. Win the hearts of your loyal audience and build a whole new audience by garnering their attention in the few milliseconds it takes for them to determine if they’re going to stick around and learn more or not.
