What is permission based marketing?

As marketing becomes a more and more pervasive part of our everyday lives, it is critical that marketers do not cross the line and alienate the people they are trying to market to. People are “connected” in a much more constant way with smart phones, internet, mobile devices, social media, and a slew of other modern inventions. This hyper connection is a double edged sword. It gives people more access to the people they want to connect to, but it also gives marketers more access to the people they want to market to. There is nowhere left for the people to hide from marketers. This is what makes getting permission to market to people such a critical piece of successful marketing campaigns. Without permission, people will react negatively towards your marketing message and make the marketer and brand look terrible.

Not all forms of marketing require permission. Content marketing does not. People just stumble across content as they go about their business, looking for information. Many forms of traditional marketing do not require permission as people understand that the marketing is what pays for the media, i.e. television, radio, and print. Email, social media, and text messaging definitely require permission. Through AvidMobile’s marketing platform white label resellers will have the ability to reach out to people through these new marketing channels.

AvidMobile has always tried to stay on the whiter side of grey with this new marketing opportunity. We teach our white label resellers that they need explicit permission to send text messages. Purchasing lists definitely do not count. As recent court cases show, not even an existing business relationship counts.

That is all for Part 1. In later segments, we will further explore the psychological and emotional benefits of permission based marketing and what constitutes giving permission (and not giving permission).
